Sunday, April 25, 2010

Can you keep a secret?

Friday afternoon, shortly after returning from my run, I was sitting at my desk chowing on some quinoa and basil when my secretary (am I the only one who is floored by the fact that someone else answers my phone?), Christine walks into my office looking rather sheepish.

"Don't be mad, " she says.


"I signed you up for something."

"Ok. What?"

"This." She throws an internet printout at me and scampers out of my office.


At least it isn't an "Association."

Well, what Chris doesn't know and what I'm asking you to keep a secret is this;
I'm not looking for love.

What you don't have to keep a secret is this; I'M BACK BITCHES!

I've taken the time to mope and be all sad and shit and quite frankly, it was boring. I was boring. So, I've decided to go back to the time in my life when I was the most focused and the happiest. Now, I'm concentrating on Career, Finances and Health.

If you'll notice, "Friends" isn't on that list. Well, when you're working on your career, finances and health friends just come pretty naturally and don't stand as obstacles in the way of your goals. Romantic entanglements, well, that's another story.

Right now, I've got stuff I want to do, people I want to see and I don't need some guy acting all schmopey and glommin' on to my shit!

So, last night I was on the phone with Rooster and he reminded me of the following, "When you're not looking for love, it finds you." To that I have to say the following, "Love, keep your shit to yourself. I'm seriously not interested. At all. Go bug someone else."

But to be honest, I'm nervous. Last time I declared myself off the love market I ended up getting married a few months later. As you could've guessed, the marriage was short lived.

So, here's the deal. I'm going to continue on with my "Jenny from the Block" plan- getting my career,finances and health rocking. I am also going to continue dating...DATING. Not boyfriend/girlfriend stuff. Dating. Having fun. I think my problem with the last time I declared myself no longer shopping in the love store I went cold turkey. My game was off, my guard was down, not good.

This time I have a plan.

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