Sunday, April 11, 2010

Breaking News!

Or perhaps I should've titled this one, "Forgiveness. It isn't just a river in China."

So, quick update to answer a few questions about the Dbag drama. As for communication...after I sent the email, photos and video off to Lisa I blocked the both of them from my gmail and Facebook. For all I know they could be hounding me everyday for more porn and I just don't know it.

Regina asked me how it made me feel to send off the email. Well, (sigh) at first pretty darn good. Good in that way when you know you've just effed with someone's karma, actually became the catalyst of pain for them., that reads like I'm kind of crazy. Like, chicken killer crazy. Huh.

I suppose I was chicken killer crazy for a few days. I think anyone who has had their heart broken can relate that sometimes you really want to make the breaker feel as bad as you do. You know, sometimes you can go all Carrie Underwood on the breaker's ass and other times, well, it may not be destruction of personal property but destruction of ego.

So. I have this cousin, she's pretty great. I'll call her...oh...Mrs. Huggins! She's pretty cool, you'd like her. Mrs. Huggins and I have some pretty great conversations in which I learn more about the person I want to be. I can't say that I was too shocked to learn that Mrs. Huggins wasn't exactly a fan of my email behaviour. In a nutshell, and she's right, from the beginning when I realized the person that he really was I should've said (and I think I'm quoting this accurately) "Fuck you! Have a nice life." and walked away never to be heard from again.

She's right.

Sending that email was beneath me. It doesn't really speak to the person I am (or am trying to become). Ok, think about it. In the Carrie Underwood video "Before He Cheats" she jacks up his car (something with her key, carved her name in the upholstery, smashed his headlights, slashed his tires) do you really think when he found his "pretty little souped up four wheel drive" in a state of disrepair he stood back, tapped his forefinger to his upper lip and thought aloud, "You know, she's got a point."? Probably not.

My sending that email didn't make him sit back and regret the way he treated me. It isn't like he learned a lesson (aside from don't send your ex girlfriend nudie pics) from this experience.

But I did and that's all that counts.

The lesson I think we should all take away from this is the following: You (I mean, you, yes, you!) are way too awesome to be hung up on someone who isn't hung up on you. As my dear Mrs. Huggins reminds me, "Standards are high!"

So, if some tall balding man tells you that you're his soulmate while he is dipping his toodle in some other womans hoo haa..."FUCK YOU! Have a nice life."

That woman who came to spend the holiday with you, acts like she loves you then refuses to commit..."FUCK YOU! Have a nice life."

So. Ok, on to the forgiveness portion of this blog entry.

About a month ago I got to experience what it was like to forgive and be forgiven all at the same time. Without going into too much detail a very dear friend of mine and I had a bizarro couple of weeks where neither of us acted like civilized human beings (behaviour not befitting of a debutante!) so after a few (dozen) nasty emails we cut off communication. I'm not sure either of us understood what happened or why but for some reason we actively disliked each other until one day she sent me an email wishing me well on the Colorado Bar Exam.

Well, we reconnected and when she was in Colorado we got to spend some pretty quality time together. What's strange is that the reconnection was pretty easy and without any apologies exchanged, they were just understood. Anyway, I don't know why she decided to forgive me but I'm happy she did. I sure did miss her.

Deet deet da deet deet...this just in...

Jenifer Woods is once again working as an evil genius. I repeat, Jenifer Woods is working.

Oh. So, next time I'll tell you about the guy I met. I like to call him Serpico.


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